Thursday, August 30, 2007

superliga final

So I know this blog is about the revolution but they don't play for over a week and I have just really enjoyed bashing the galaxy lately specifically landon donovan. I will say that Im interested to see how Dusan petokovic fits in the revolution defense. They usually only play 3 back and they are solid so it'l be interesting to see what nicol does. Anyway on to the galaxy bashing...

So the superliga final was last night. I'm on the east coast and up late doing some work when I realized said they were going to have whole game on air. A few clicks later I was browsing and enjoying the game. Heres a hint MLS, make more game available for free.
So I started watching around 70th and there were some chances but I was exulting in having the galaxy head to a loss. I know its bad for MLS but I just can't help enjoying seeing LA suck it up every week.
Anyway Chris Klein scores a brilliant last second goal (Im sure has it so go check it out) and I realize I have to stay up another 45 minutes or so.
I don't pay attention too much during overtime but no goals are scored and not the exciting stuff happens.
Of course it goes down to the 5th kick, Donovan is up. Now I was torn here. I really wanted Donovan to screw up so I could still stay he generally is a waste of talent, but I couldn't imagine him missing such a gimme oppurtunity. Its a PK to win. Zidane can do it, Ronaldo can do it, Donovan little miss americas future should do it. While I'm holding my breath Donovan proceeds to kick the most girly crap PK ever. It is saved easily by Caliro.

I get to exult again. Donovan may have amazing skill and talent but he is literally a waste of space. He couldn't handle european soccer, he choked againast Ghana in 06 and he simply continues to disappoint. Once again it is the teams and players that come to play every day and constantly surprise with skill that get the results. Landon simply picks and chooses when he wants to play well and sabotages his team (and the US) in the process.

I have little doubt that Donovan will have a role in getting the US back to the WC but until he actually shows that he wants to play I will continue to badmouth him.
His failure last night but just another one in a long line of disappointing efforts.

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